2020 ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard


Does the company have a whistle blowing policy which includes procedures for complaints by employees and other stakeholders concerning alleged illegal and unethical behaviour and provide contact details via the company's website or annual report


YES. The Company has a Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting that provides employees with an additional reporting feature and a secure avenue to raise complaints and other serious concerns regarding illegal and unethical behavior.  Contact details are provided in our company's website.


Our Whistleblowing Integrity Reporting Policy outlines our procedures for properly addressing bona fide concerns that employees might have, while offering protection from victimization, harassment or disciplinary proceedings.


The Policy makes it clear that employees can report an alleged serious concern without fear of reprisals. Any harassment or retaliatory action shall be subject to disciplinary or legal action.



Good Governance Department

Joseph D. Susa
Tel: (+632) 8888-3942
Email: [email protected]